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Moving WorldWindInstalled Data to External Hard Drive

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  • Moving WorldWindInstalled Data to External Hard Drive


    I downloaded DTEDs from the USGS site and installed them into WorldWind using the InstallImageryAndElevationsDemo. I then transferred those files from my local hard drive to an external hard drive. Next I made edits to my own DataFileStore.xml file so it would point to my external hard drive. But I can't get WorldWind to recognize the DTED cache tiles on my external hard drive.

    At first I thought WorldWind couldn't locate my external hard drive, but during my testing I zoomed into certain locations on the Earth while WorldWind.setOfflineMode(false) was set, and an Earth subfolder was created on my external hard drive and imagery was downloaded to that Earth subfolder. When I restarted WorldWind with setOfflineMode(true), the application obtained that imagery from my external hard drive so it seems the DataFileStore.xml file is working.

    But I can't get it to recognize the DTED cache tiles that were created using the InstallImageryAndElevationsDemo. Any ideas?

    Below is my DataFileStore.xml, which is actually located in a different directory than the default one so I'm using the following code in my program:
    DataFileStore.xml :
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!-- World Wind data-file store configuration -->
            <location wwDir="F:\WorldWindData" />
            <location wwDir="F:\WorldWindInstalled" isInstall="true" isMarkWhenUsed="true" />
            <location wwDir="F:\WorldWindData" create="true"/>
    I tried to mimic the file structure from my local drive so the downloaded Earth imagery resides in the WorldWindData folder, while the DTED cache tiles are in the WorldWindInstalled folder.

    Thank you!

  • #2
    I assume your question is for the WWJ SDK, not the web worldwind

    From my memory, high level steps to use DTED as your elevation model:
    Use the example
    create a elevation model for the DTED (look at other EarthElevationModel****.xml in the worldwind.jar /config/earth dir)
    Then, Configuration.setValue(AVKey.EARTH_ELEVA TION_MODEL, where your xml exists)

    There are probably other forum entries with better details
    Last edited by j1v; 02-11-2019, 06:55 PM.


    • #3
      thanks for the response! and yes, this is for WWJ SDK.

      Is InstallDTED better for DTEDs, than the InstallImageryAndElevationsDemo?

      I've been using the InstallImageryAndElevationsDemo all this time, but today I tested InstallDTED and from what I understand, it seems InstallDTED is dependent on the file location of the original DTEDs. Which isn't ideal for my case, but if it handles DTEDs better than the Demo, I'm willing to work around that issue and use InstallDTED from now on.
      thanks again!


      • #4
        Running InstallDTED is a one time thing, then you can transfer the results to your external drive (for example). You will have to edit to point it toward your raw DTED. InstallImageryAndElevationsDemo (from my memory) requires the selection of all raw files to convert, so I'm not sure how you could do this for DTED (since DTED is usually in different directories and each directory will repeat file names). If you are just trying to convert a few DTED files, then InstallImageryAndElevationsDemo could work, but if you have a complete set, it probably will not...


        • #5
          First thanks to j1v for pointing me in the right direction! Second I'm updating the post with the solution that worked for me in case anybody else runs into a similar issue:
          1. Use InstallDTED to import the DTED Tiles (make sure all your DTED files are under one folder, without any subfolders)
          2. Create an ElevationModel using the DTEDs and then add it to the CompoundElevationModel. I did it this way instead of setting the Configuration key so WorldWind uses BOTH the DTED and the USA 10m, World 30m, Ocean 900m (the default) Elevation Models.
          a. I still kept my DataFileStore.xml pointing to the external drive, where both my elevation data and imagery now reside. This way my computer's local hard drive isn't being bogged down by the GBs of DTED and imagery I've accumulated.
          b. If you need to download imagery use the WorldWind BulkDownload tool because it allows you to choose where to download the imagery.


          • #6
            Not sure how this is possible: "make sure all your DTED files are under one folder, without any subfolders".... DTED uses the same file names in each folder. Are you working with a small subset of DTED? InstallDTED handles sub-folders (that's why it was written).

