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DXTn compression not supported VirtualBox Win10 guest

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  • DXTn compression not supported VirtualBox Win10 guest DXTn compressed textures not supported by this graphics card

    This topic has been touched upon many times, but it seems always for LINUX guest VMs.
    My system:
    Win10 host, Win10 guest
    Intel 4000 integrated graphics on host, 3D acceleration enabled on guest
    Java 8 / jogl 2.0
    DirectX 12
    Java application containing WWJ 2.0
    ArcGIS server and other WMS/WFS

    Same error occurs loading the Demo WWJ apps

    Having the same problem in VirtualBox and VMWare, though VMWare claims full 3D support in a Windows VM.

    Caveat: I'm not a developer, more of a "power user". Have been building laptops with WWJ-based applications for years, and am trying to move away from that to building a VM instead. All went well until I encountered this error, which has stopped me cold.

    Suggestions to change OS of the VM to LINUX are understood... but not permitted due to other parts of the application requiring Windows.

    Is there a way to make a WWJ application run in a VirtualBox VM running Windows 10?