I am back and with my original log-in this time, much more imrpessive start date.
I have put together another lab using world wind. this one is an Adaptation of a lab by Dale Saywer of rice university for introducting plate boundaries. You can link to the lab at http://www.worldwindclassroom.com/Wo...s/labshome.htm
click on the picture for the lab "Discovering Plate Boundaries". I hope to get up a teachers guide section later.
also on the site you can check out "a Planatary comnparision" and my older versions of labs from last year, which I will try to make web based this year as we go through them
I have put together another lab using world wind. this one is an Adaptation of a lab by Dale Saywer of rice university for introducting plate boundaries. You can link to the lab at http://www.worldwindclassroom.com/Wo...s/labshome.htm
click on the picture for the lab "Discovering Plate Boundaries". I hope to get up a teachers guide section later.
also on the site you can check out "a Planatary comnparision" and my older versions of labs from last year, which I will try to make web based this year as we go through them